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Newcastle Mini Congress Open and U160 sections
From Left: Matthew Wyza, Daniel Sullivan, Douglas Barnett
As suspected these sections were badly hit by the clash with Blackpool, but six brave souls embarked on an all play all, though with two opting for Saturday morning byes, and two for Saturday evening ones, that is a slight misnomer. However at least I had an even number for each round and it was possible to arrange for the bye seekers to have 2 whites and 2 blacks each.
Francis in his first outing since last season was understandably rusty, whereas ex-Newcastle player Daniel had already taken in a few games in his new home city of Sheffield to get over his five year break from the game.
Going into the last round Daniel led with 3½, a point clear of Doug, Matthew and Steve. With Doug and Steve beating Daniel and Matthew respectively, a three way tie ensued at the top.

From left: Steve Hill, Francis Westfield, Pavel Nefyodov