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8th Newcastle Mini Congress
Sponsored by home bargains
The obligatory crowd scene.
Round 5. Some of the U130 section in action, skillfully taken to obscure most of the faces!
In the foreground Jack Healings already finds Pete Tideswell's game more interesting than his own.

I like to place the mini between Frodsham and Easter if possible, and also to avoid any Staffordshire County matches. That left me a choice of two weekends this year - clashimg either with the Warwickshire or Blackpool Congresses. Deciding to play the former myself, I elected to clash with the mini. I didn't realise that this would also clash with a number of family commitments for Newcastle members who usually support the event, so i waspleased that numbers just made it up to 30.
Lest anyone should think it was a one man organising effort I shall pass on my thanks publically to
- Home bargains, whose sponsorship has enabled me acquire an assistant, increase the number of sections and prizes per section, and provide Parker Pens and certificates as mementoes to section winners.
- John Day who liaised with the bridge club to make the venue available.
- The NSDCA for their donation.
- Matthew Carr, my assistant.
- Pete Shaw who helped John, Matthew and myself return the building to normal after the event.
- Steve Emmerton and Abigail Sergeant who played odd games to enable me to maintain my record of ensuring everyone had a game every round.
- All the players, who collectively made the event so civilised.
Prize winners were
Open/U160: First equal: Doug Barnett, Steve Hill, Daniel Sullivan
U130: First: Ben Scattergood, Second : Brian Birchall, Third: David Price
U100: First Jacob Cartlidge, Second equal: Sam Beardmore, Derrick Jones
Junior Prize: Dominic Taylor
Kangaroo Prize: Peter Shaw
As ever the pictures on these pages have been cropped and degraded, though in several cases the originals are not wonderful, due no doubt to my inability to hold the camera steady! However originals are available if anyone really wants them.
Left: Kangaroo Pete enjoys a cuppa whilst in spectating mode
Right: Steve Hill in action concentrating on his own game.