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Newcastle Mini Congress U90 section

The obligatory crowd scene

Right: Winner Nick McLean in concentration mode, though his can of Red Bull is as ever to hand. In the background Edward Davies keeps a close eye on his father's progress.
As usual this was the biggest section, with those enjoying their first competitive venture rubbing shoulders with the sharks who will be told to pick on someone their own size next year.
The eventual winner Nick McLean adopted the cunning ploy of dropping a half point in the first round. However if he hoped this would give him an easier path to victory he was to be disappointed as he had to defeat both the runners up to secure the title.
Kidsgrove were well represented with David Johnson supporting Julian's prize winning performance. Indeed had he more time available David may have forced his way onto the prize list. The fight for the Kangaroo prize was a family affair, with Robert Brock putting his marker down early. It remained to be seen whether son Oliver could pip him to the post, but family harmony was preserved when Joe Morris put Oliver in his place.
Left: Junior Champion Matthew Kelly ready to pounce.
The Junior prize became a straight fight between Matthew Kelly and Joshua Hollins when they met in the last round. Matthew had much the better of their draw and so retained his half point advantage. An appropriate end to this contest-within-a-contest as Matthew had beaten two established adult players earlier in the competition.
Robert West, who would have made the field 18 strong, was unwell and unable to turn out, whilst Dave Ross celebrated his first day score of 2 out of 3 so well that he felt obliged to withdraw overnight. Derrick withdrew from the last round as he wished to visit elsewhere, but many stuck it out not only through the competition but to sopport the winners at the prize giving.
 Julian Cook (foreground) and Eliot Green (next back) tied second
|  Our latest Kangaroo
1 Robert Brock Kidsgrove 87 10- 16- 15+ 11+ 8+ 3
2 Julian Cook Kidsgrove 80 11+ 8+ 6+ 4- 13+ 4
3 Carl Mustafa Cheddleton 74 9+ 7= b= 14+ 4- 3
4 Nick McLean Cheddleton 72 14= 9+ 5+ 2+ 3+ 4.5
5 Eliot Green Hassell 69 13+ 12+ 4- 8+ 7+ 4
6 Dave Ross Alsager 64 15+ 10+ 2- w/d
7 David Johnson Kidsgrove 58 17+ 3= 14+ b= 5- 3
8 Tim Sullivan Alsager 50 16+ 2- 9+ 5- 1- 2
9 Oliver Brock Kidsgrove 48 3- 4- 8- b+ 12- 1
10 Derrick Jones Newcastle 46 1+ 6- b= 16- w/d
11 Edward Davies Hassell 22 2- 13- b+ 1- 17+ 2
12 Joe Morris Holmes Chapel 18 b+ 5- b= 13- 9+ 2.5
13 Richard Cantliff Fenton 5- 11+ b= 12+ 2- 2.5
14 David Davies Hassell 4= 17+ 7- 3- b+ 2.5
15 Joshua Hollins Hassell 6- b+ 1- 17+ 16= 2.5
16 Matthew Kelly Hassell 8- 1+ b= 10+ 15= 3
17 Daniel Washington Hassell 7- 14- b= 15- 11- 0.5