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7th Newcastle Mini Congress
Sponsored by home bargains
The usual crowd scene.
Round 2. Some of the U100 section in action.
Jack Healings and Carl Mustafa test the reputation of table 13 - the top one for this section.
The mini seems fated to reach 40 entries, but not to hold on to them. A combination of illness, domestic problems and non-starting cars led to withdrawals that with the help(?) of a no-show reduced the starting grid to 33, all of whom lasted the course. As usual I was able to arrange a graded game for everyone forced to take a full point bye. Quick finishes are mostly a thing of the past as far as the mini is concerned, with only one or two games each round finishing inside the hour.
Lest anyone should think it was a one man organising effort I shall pass on my thanks publically to
- Home bargains, whose sponsorship enabled me acquire an assistant, increase the number of sections and prizes per section, and provide framed certificates as mementoes to section winners.
- John Day who liaised with the bridge club to make the venue available.
- Matthew Carr, my assistant.
- Alex Richardson, who helped John and myself set things out on Friday night, and Pete Shaw, Matthew Carr, James Rothwell and Abigail Sergeant who helped us return the building to normal after the event.
- Sandra Blackburn, who donated refreshments.
- The NSDCA, Alex Richardson, Simon and Edwards and Anon for their donations.
- All the players, who collectively made the event so civilised.
Prize winners were
Open: First: Simon Edwards, Second: Stephane Pedder, Third: Alex Richardson,
U160: First equal: John Day and Steve Hill, Third: James Rothwell,
U130: First: Karol Grzybowski, Second equal: Peter Shaw, Sandra Blackburn and stuart Hull
U100: First Richard Martin, Second: Jacob Boswell, Third: Carl Mustafa and Derek Whitehurst
Junior Prize: Jacob Cartlidge
Kangaroo Prize: Daniel Holland
James Rothwell and John Day are enthralled by their round 3 game.
As ever the pictures on these pages have been cropped and degraded, though in several cases the originals are not wonderful, due no doubt to my inability to hold the camera steady! However originals are available if anyone really wants them.

Stuart Dynasty
Stuart Hull and Stuart Green face the camera in the foreground, where we can also see the back of Ernest Wilkinson.
In the background are the U160 players, with Alan Paling making up the numbers.