Just because I'm never going to be world champion (or national or county or club champion) doesn't mean I don't have ideas. And if you insist on visiting my site, welcome though you are, you must expect that you may have some of my ideas inflicted on you.

So general advice on what to read and study for the benefit of your chess.

Yet often the second player in this conversation will be an avid reader of books on openings. It is as if they are searching for a more sophisticated version of scholars mate: a forced sequence of moves in the opening guaranteed to produce a decisive advantage. This is not to say that opening books have nothing to offer, they do:
They can provide experience of the sorts of positions that arise from an opening. Do you feel comfortable in these positions? Then it may be sensible to add the opening to your repertoire.

They can give you confidence that certain lines are playable.

An understanding of gambit openings can help you become less materialistic and to identify more generally positions in which there is compensation for a material imbalance.

They can help you to avoid standard opening traps set by your opponent. Note the emphasis on avoiding an early demise rather than a desire to find a quick route to executing your opponent.

My relative dislike for opening books is becauset I believe that a detailed knowledge of openings best follows rather than leads your overall chess develpopment.