Fenton Chess Club

Fenton have moved again (March 2017), and now meet at the Tollgate Hotel & Leisure Centre, Ripon Road, Blurton, Stoke-On-Trent, ST3 3BS. The complex is clearly visible on the Trentham Road, though the entrance to the car park is on Ripon road.
Fenton have changed their name twice in recent years, having started off as Angel Inn and then being known as Foley so as to match the names of their venues. Venue changes have been even more frequent.


Fixtures and Results

Fenton A

captain: Petru Floresc
103Thu31.10.2019H Chapel Aawaylost½ - 4½
105Mon25.11.2019Crewe Ahomewon3 - 2
107Mon09.12.2019Cheddleton Ahomedrew2½ - 2½
109Fri03.04.2020Newcastle Aaway
113Mon03.02.2020H Chapel Ahomedefd - 5
115Wed19.02.2020Crewe Aawaylost½ - 4½
118Fri20.03.2020Cheddleton Aaway
119Mon30.03.2020Newcastle Ahome

Fenton B

Fenton C

Captain: Steve EmmertonCaptain: Chris Brian
203Fri11.10.2019Newcastle Bawaylost1½ - 3½
204Mon21.10.2019Macclesfieldhomewon4 - 1
208Fri22.11.2019Cheddleton Bawaylost1½ - 3½
212Thu05.12.2019H Chapel Rooksawaywon4 - 1
213Mon13.01.2020Crewe Bhomedrew2½ - 2½
216Mon27.01.2020Newcastle Bhomelost2 - 3
220Mon24.02.2020Macclesfieldawaywon3 - 2
223Mon09.03.2020H Chapel Rookshomewon5 - 0
227Wed25.03.2020Crewe Baway
229Mon06.04.2020Cheddleton Bhome
401Mon07.10.2019Staffordhomedrew2 - 2
406Tue22.10.2019Kidsgroveawaywon3 - 1
407Mon28.10.2019Cheddleton Ehomedrew2 - 2
413Fri29.11.2019Cheddleton Fawaydrew2 - 2
415Mon09.12.2019Crewe Dhomedrew2 - 2
419Mon13.01.2020Meir Ahomewon3 - 1
423Wed29.01.2020Staffordawaylost1 - 3
424Mon03.02.2020Kidsgrovehomewon3 - 0*
431Mon09.03.2020Cheddleton Fhomelost1½ - 2½
435Wed18.03.2020Crewe Daway
438Fri03.04.2020Cheddleton Eaway
440Mon06.04.2020Meir Aaway
* Adjusted score, Kidsgrove fielded ineligible player

Individual Records

A Team

Petru Floresc (156) 010.½
Kasian Capatina (152) .01..
Glyn Valentine (143) 001.0
Railton Hyde (143) ½.0..
Stephen Emmerton (127) 01½.0
Julian Hawthorne (119) 01..0
Grenville Cross (104) ....0

B Team

nbMcbhrWB NBmHRwbCB
Gerald Acey (181) ..... 1½1
Petru Floresc (156) 01011 ½11
Kasian Capatina (152) .1.11 ..1
Railton Hyde (143) 110.0 ...
Glyn Valentine (143) 01010 00.
Stephen Emmerton (127) ½.½0½ .½1
Julian Hawthorne (119) 0011. 0..
Grenville Cross (104) ..... ½1.
Robert West (88) ..... ..1

C Team

SkCEcfWDRA sKCFwdcera
Glyn Valentine (143) ..½... ...
Stephen Emmerton (127) ..1½.. 0..
Julian Hawthorne (119) 0..0½1 ½01
Grenville Cross (104) 0..½½1 ½10
Derek Whitehurst (104) 11..0½ 01.
Ernest Wilkinson (96) 1½011½ 010
Stuart Hull (94) .½.... ..½
Christopher Brian (64) .1½... ...