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Division 5 match scorecards

For convenience these are arranged alphabetically by home team

357Cheddleton ICheddleton J334
122Jack Healings½½Samuel Beardmore116
85Laura Smith01Caroline Mountford105
84Jacob Smith01Andrei Mihai82
66Ali Arshad10Emma Scotchford31

386Cheddleton I22Fenton C364
122Jack Healings01Mike Smith110
122Ron Harrison10Geoffrey Yates103
76Frank Bruce½½Stuart Hull87
66Ali Arshad½½John White64

386Cheddleton IFenton D376
122Jack Healings10Jason Plant97
122Ron Harrison½½Derek Whitehurst99
76Frank Bruce½½Stuart Hull87
66Ali Arshad½½Robert West93

386Cheddleton I22Meir C350
124Keith Brownlee½½Thomas Healey116
120Matthew Carr10Gwyn Price81
76Frank Bruce01Robert Perry71
66Ali Arshad½½Raymond Rhodes82

337Cheddleton IMeir D393
122Jack Healings½½Peter Windows122
76Frank Bruce01David Fuller119
66Ali Arshad01Gwyn Price81
73Thivyaa Rahulan10Robert Perry71

387Cheddleton J22Cheddleton I333
116Samuel Beardmore10Jack Healings122
105Caroline Mountford10Frank Bruce76
82Andrei Mihai01Ali Arshad66
84Sian Jones01Joseph Alcock69

368Cheddleton J½Fenton C389
116Samuel Beardmore01Mike Smith110
105Caroline Mountford½½Geoffrey Yates103
65Daniel Lomax01Ernest Wilkinson97
82Andrei Mihai01Peter Tideswell79

 Cheddleton J4dFenton D 

387Cheddleton JMeir C353
116Samuel Beardmore01Thomas Healey116
105Caroline Mountford01Eddie Burke85
82Andrei Mihai10Robert Perry71
84Sian Jones½½Gwyn Price81

387Cheddleton J13Meir D393
116Samuel Beardmore01Peter Windows122
105Caroline Mountford01David Fuller119
82Andrei Mihai01Gwyn Price81
84Jacob Smith10Robert Perry71

349Fenton CCheddleton I371
103Geoffrey Yates01Keith Brownlee124
97Ernest Wilkinson10David Rose98
85Jozsef Orsolics½½Frank Bruce76
64John White01Thivyaa Rahulan73

374Fenton CCheddleton J367
110Mike Smith½½Samuel Beardmore116
103Geoffrey Yates01Dominic Taylor100
97Ernest Wilkinson10Andrei Mihai82
64John White10Joseph Alcock69

389Fenton CFenton D368
110Mike Smith½½Jason Plant97
103Geoffrey Yates½½Robert West93
97Ernest Wilkinson01Steven Walley91
79Peter Tideswell½½Stuart Hull87

395Fenton C22Meir C321
110Mike Smith½½Raymond Rhodes82
103Geoffrey Yates½½David Hackney82
97Ernest Wilkinson10Michael Judd86
85Jozsef Orsolics01Robert Perry71

374Fenton C13Meir D364
110Mike Smith01Peter Windows122
103Geoffrey Yates½½Eddie Burke85
97Ernest Wilkinson½½Michael Judd86
64John White01Robert Perry71

354Fenton DCheddleton I380
97Jason Plant01Jack Healings122
91Steven Walley½½David Hallen98
87Stuart Hull10Frank Bruce76
79Peter Tideswell10Jacob Smith84

270Fenton DCheddleton J387
0default01Samuel Beardmore116
97Jason Plant10Caroline Mountford105
93Robert West½½Andrei Mihai82
e80Steven Walley10Sian Jones84

349Fenton D½Fenton C374
87Stuart Hull½½Mike Smith110
97Jason Plant10Geoffrey Yates103
e80Steven Walley10Ernest Wilkinson97
85Jozsef Orsolics10John White64

323Fenton D22Meir C319
93Robert West½½Raymond Rhodes82
87Stuart Hull½½Stuart Green80
79Peter Tideswell01Michael Judd86
64John White10Robert Perry71

359Fenton D31Meir D357
99Derek Whitehurst01David Fuller119
93Robert West10Raymond Rhodes82
87Stuart Hull10Stuart Green80
80Steven Walley10Anthony Cooling76

314Meir CCheddleton I333
81Gwyn Price01Jack Healings122
82David Hackney½½Frank Bruce76
80Stuart Green½½Ali Arshad66
71Robert Perry½½Joseph Alcock69

311Meir C22Cheddleton J370
76Anthony Cooling01Samuel Beardmore116
82Raymond Rhodes10David Shiers103
82David Hackney01Andrei Mihai82
71Robert Perry10Joseph Alcock69

325Meir CFenton C366
76Anthony Cooling01Geoffrey Yates103
82David Hackney½½Stuart Hull87
81Gwyn Price10Ernest Wilkinson97
86Michael Judd01Peter Tideswell79

352Meir CFenton D369
103Steve Gregory½½Derek Whitehurst99
81Gwyn Price10Jason Plant97
82Raymond Rhodes½½Robert West93
86Michael Judd½½Steven Walleye80

359Meir C13Meir D347
116Thomas Healey½½Peter Windows122
80Stuart Green01Anthony Cooling76
81Gwyn Price01Robert Perry71
82David Hackney½½John Newton78

310Meir D22Cheddleton I396
76Anthony Cooling½½Keith Brownlee124
82David Hackney01David Rose98
81Gwyn Price½½David Hallen98
71Robert Perry10Frank Bruce76

325Meir D22Cheddleton J387
85Eddie Burke01Samuel Beardmore116
82Raymond Rhodes01Caroline Mountford105
76Anthony Cooling10Andrei Mihai82
82David Hackney10Sian Jones84

398Meir DFenton C358
122Peter Windows½½Mike Smith110
119David Fuller½½Stuart Hull87
81Gwyn Price01Ernest Wilkinson97
76Anthony Cooling½½John White64

399Meir D31Fenton D368
122Peter Windows10Jason Plant97
119David Fuller10Robert West93
82Raymond Rhodes½½Steven Walley91
76Anthony Cooling½½Stuart Hull87

282Meir D22Meir C233
119David Fuller10Robert Perry71
82David Hackney01Raymond Rhodes82
81Gwyn Price½½Stuart Green80

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