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Newcastle Mini Congress U130 section

Pete Shaw and Nic Wright engage in Newcastle warfare, with Andrew Barker almost hiding Thivyaa who spent most of her time on top board.
Denis Nesbitt woz here, but only as a spectator.

Thirteen players made both the start and finish lines for the U130 section, with plenty of tales of woe appearing between the two. The usual dropped pieces and missed material gains were joined this year by a stalemate move when a checkmate was available. Don't we just love the game? When the dust had settled it emerged that joint winners were top seed and youngest entrant Thivyaa Rahulan and bottom seed, but not oldest entrant, Andrew Barker.

Final Scores

4:    Thivyaa Rahulan, Andrew Barker
3½: Sam Beardmore
3:    Peter Shaw, Julian Hawthorne, David Price, Nic Wright
2½: Steve Emmerton, Sandra Blackburn
2:    John Day, George Scattergood
2½: Richard Cantliff
1:    Ernest Wilkinson
John Day, back to camera, plays Steve Emmerton, with Nic Wright also well in view.

Last round. In the foreground Pete Shaw and Ernie Wilkinson have white against George Scattergood and Richard Cantliff respectively, whilst in the background the top tables of the minor feature Alberto Gissi against Robert West and Derrick Jones v Carl Mustafa.

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