Key to club codes

I have tried to classify the various sites I have found, but inevitably these classifications are very much a matter of opinion.

Also used where appropriate for other sites.

LListed only on another leagues site or on a non-chess site, the listing giving at least venue and/or contact information. Presumably the listing is not totally within the control of the club concerned.
PSite provides an online presence for club.
ASite designed to provide at least some information/news about the progress of the club. Actively maintained.
ZSite designed to provide at least some information/news about the progress of the club. Dozing - not completely uptodate on last visit.
DSite designed to provide at least some information/news about the progress of the club. Dormant.
BAccess to a significant part of site is browser dependent, though no indication that this is deliberate policy on part of webmaster, merely perhaps a by-product of software used to generate the pages. Some versions of FrontPage are particularly liable to produce IE only code, whilst the use of javascript for links will leave non-javascript users stranded on a homepage.
FFlash Totally dependent on Flash. Guess I could categorize as B or U depending on what you see if you don't have a sufficiently uptodate Flash enabled.
UUnfriendly site - access to a significant part of site is browser dependent, and presence of 'go away and come back when you have got a decent drowser' type message suggests that this is a deliberate policy adopted so that you can go wow! at the ingenuity and sophistication of the webmaster. These sites form the exception that proves my rule that I like all chess club sites.